ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

All Projects

  1. Institute of Engineers - Student Project “Modeling & FEM simulation of DRX microstructure for automotive applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. Lavakumar), Rs.0.5 L (Ongoing).
  2. Archeometallurgical Investigation of ancient sword, (P. I – A.Lavakumar), TEQIP II, VSSUT, Odisha – 75,000/-
  3. Rs.75,000, TEQIP Seed grant 2016-Completed
  4. DST-NANO MISSION “Enhancing shape memory properties of Ti-Nb binary alloy through ECAE processing for bio-medical applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. LavakumarRs.45.0 L, (Status Awaited).
  5. Institute of Engineers - Student Project “Modeling & FEM simulation of DRX microstructure for automotive applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. Lavakumar), Rs.0.5 L (Completed)
  6. Rs.60,000, TEQIP III 2021-Completed
  7. UGC-Minor Project “Archeo-metallurgical Investigation on Ancient Sword” (PI: A. Lavakumar, Co-PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena), Rs. 5.0 L (Status Awaited).
  8. Failure analysis of T22 Boiler tubes (Investigators: A.Lavakumar and Dr. S.K.Badjena) – Hindalco Industries, Lapanga (Completed)
  9. Rs.1,18,600, IEI R&D Grant-in-aid Scheme 2022-Applied
  10. UGC-Minor Project “Modeling, FEM simulation & texture analysis of DRX microstructure for automotive applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. Lavakumar), Rs.5.0 L, (Status Awaited).
  11. Study of Inclusions in Al-Thin foils (Investigators: A.Lavakumar and Dr. S.K.Badjena)  – Hindalco Industries, Hirakud (Completed)
  12. Rs.44,400,IEI R&D Grant-in-aid Scheme 2022-Applied