RenuPrava Dalai, S.Das, and K.Das “Development of TiC reinforced austenitic manganese steel.†Canadian Metallurgical Quaterly 53, no.3 (2014) 317-325.
Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Punyatoya Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Krushna Prasad Shadangi "Study of frequency dependence properties of CCTO-BT/polymer composites" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2023): 09544062231192178.
RenuPrava Dalai, S.Das, and K.Das “Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on the low impact abrasion and low stress sliding wear resistance of austenitic high manganese steels.†Wear 420 (2019) 176-183.
Renu Prava Dalai, Sushree P Mohapatra, Debasis Nayak, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Ajit Behera "Microstructure, Mechanical, and Tribological Relationship in Cu-12Al-Ni Alloy with Respect to the Variation of Ni Content" Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023): 1-13.
RenuPrava Dalai, S.Das, and K.Das “Relationship between the microstructure and properties of thermomechanically processed Fe−17Mn and Fe−17Mn−3Al steels.†International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 26, no. 1 (2019) 64-75.
Dibyasha Mohapatra, Dibya Ranjana Behera, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra "Prospective of functionalized graphene as shape memory and self-healing polymer: A review" Materials Today: Proceedings (2023).
Diptiranjan Baral, Rahul Mohanta, BhaghyashreeSahoo, RenuPrava Dalai, Prafulla K. Mallik “Dielectric Properties of Steel Melting Shop (SMS) Slag†Available online 26 August 2021, In press, Corrected Proof.
Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Rutuparna Pattanaik, Gourahari Behera, Renu Prava Dalai, Sushant Kumar Badjena "Development of Al-SiC-TiO2 hybrid composite using powder metallurgy route and the influence of TiO2 variation on microstructure and mechanical properties. International Journal of Materials Research, , 0 (2023). 1-6.
Saroj Kumar Sahu, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, AjitBehera and RenuPrava Dalai “An overview on the effect of heat-treatment and cooling rates on Ni-based super-alloys.†Materials Today: Proceedings47(2021)3309-3312.
Saroj Kumar Sahu, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Ajit Behera, and Renu Prava Dalai "An overview on the effect of heat-treatment and cooling rates on Ni-based superalloys." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 3309-3312.
Swetapadma Mishra and RenuPrava Dalai “A Review on the development of 3rd generation advanced-high strength steels (HSS).†ABDU Journal of Engineering Technology 10(2021)1-4.
Effect of Particles on Dynamic Recrystallization behavior of Al-V-N Micro-alloyed Steel medium carbon steel S.K. BadJena, J.K. Park
Materials Science and Engineering A, 548 (2012) 126 – 133
Verma, B.B., Mallik, Manila, Atkinson, John D, Ray, Prabal Kumar, (2012), Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth Behavior of 7475 Aluminium Alloy in Air and Aggressive Environment Advanced Materials Research, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 428, pp. 133-136, DOI: 10.4028/ 428.133.
G. M. Naik, B. N. Anjan, R. I. Badiger, Sadashiv Bellubbi, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra "An investigation on effects of wire-EDT machining parameters on surface roughness of INCONEL 718." Materials Today: Proceedings 35 (2021): 474-477.
A.Lavakumar, S.S.Sarangi, D.N.Chary, S.K.Badjena “Influence of carbon content on indentation size effect of different steels” Submitted to “Metallurgical research & Technology” (Under review)
Mallik, Manila, Mitra, Arijit , Sengupta, Srijan, Das, Karabi, Ghosh, Rabindra N. , and Das, Siddhartha , (2014), Effect of Current Density on the Nucleation and Growth of Crystal Facets during Pulse Electrodeposition of Sn–Cu Lead-Free Solder, Crystal Growth & Design,Vol. 14 (12), pp.6542–6549,DOI:10.1021/cg501440a.
R. P. Dalai, S. Nath, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and G. Behera "Fabrication of an Al matrix hybrid composite reinforced with Cu, Al2O3 and TiC by mechanical alloying." Materials Today: Proceedings 26(2020): 1841-1844.
Dynamic recrystallization behavior of vanadium micro-alloyed forging medium carbon steel” S.K. BadJena
ISIJ International, Vol. 54 (2014), No. 3, pp. 13 – 20
RenuPrava Dalai “Microstructure and property relationship between Al-4.5Cu alloy and Al-4.5Cu-Al2O3 composite developed by mechanical alloying.†Materials Today: Proceedings 44(2021): 2754-2759.
Optimization of Variables in Grinding Brass Particles for Paint and Pigment Industry Sushant Kumar BadJena, B.K Mishra
Powder Technology, 214 (2011) 349–355
P.K.Singh, P.K.Katiyar, R.Maurya A.Lava Kumar “Agglomeration behaviour of steel plants solid waste and its effect on sintering performance” submitted to “Journal of Materials Research and Technology” (Accepted)
Mitra,Arijit, Mallik, Manila, Sengupta, Srijan, BanthiaSwastika, Das Karabi, and Das Siddhartha, (2017), Effect of Anodic Passivation at High Applied Potential Difference on the Crystal Shape and Morphology of Copper Electrodeposits: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Electrocrystallization, Crystal Growth & Design, Vol.17 (4), pp.1539–1549. DOI:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01420.
BishnupriyaBehera, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena and R. P. Dalai "Development and Characterization of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced Al-Cu Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites." Materials Science Forum 978, ISSN: 1662-9752 (2019): 202-208.
Swetapadma Mishra and RenuPrava Dalai “A comparative study on the different heat-treatment techniques applied to high manganese steel.†Materials Today: Proceedings 44(2021)2517-2520.
Swetapadma Mishra and RenuPrava Dalai “Effect of quenching and partitioning treatment on low carbon medium manganese alloyed steels-A short review.†Materials Today: Proceedings 43(2021) 593-596.
P.K.Singh, P.K.Katiyar, A.Lava Kumar, D.K. Mishra, A. Behera “Agglomeration behavior of solid waste materials in steel plants” Published in Emerging Materials research (2016) Vol.5: Issue 171-176.
Sengupta, Srijan, Mitra, Arijit, Dahiya, Prem P., Kumar, Abhinav, Mallik, Manila, Das Karabi, Majumder,S.B. , Das,Siddhartha, (2017), Investigation on lithium conversion behavior and degradation mechanisms in Tin based ternary component alloy anodes for lithium ion batteries, Journal of alloys and compound, Journal of alloys and compound, Vol. 721, pp.236-248, DOI: 10.1016/j.
Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Md. Meraj,S. K. BadJenaand Snehanshu Pal "Structural evolution and dislocation behaviour study during nanoindentation of Mo20W20Co20Ta20Zr20 high entropy alloy coated Ni single crystal using molecular dynamic simulation." Molecular Simulation 45, no.7 (2019): 572-584.
P.K.katiyar, P.K.Singh, R.S.Parihar and A.Lava kumar “Modes of failure of cemented tungsten carbide tool bits (WC/Co): A study of wear parts”Published in the International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 54 (2016) 27-38.
Banthia, Swastika, Sengupta, Srijan, Mallik, Manila, Das Siddhartha, and Das, Karabi (2017), Substrate effect on electrodeposited copper morphology and crystal shapes, Surface Engineering,pp.1-8. DOI:10.1080/02670844.2017.1321265.
Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Md. Meraj,S. K. BadJenaand Snehanshu Pal "Dislocation Interaction and V-Shaped Growth of the Distorted Structure During Nanoindentation of Cu 20 Ni 20 Al 20 Co 20 Fe 20 (high-entropy alloy)-Coated Copper: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation-Based Study." Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 72, no.1 (2019): 167-180..
Particles effect on dynamic recrystallization behavior of hot medium carbon forging steel S.K. BadJena, A. Lavakumar
Under Review: ISIJ International
RenuPrava Dalai, S. Nath, D.K. Mishra, and G. Behera “Fabrication of an Al matrix hybrid composite reinforced with Cu, Al2O3 and TiC by mechanical alloying.†Materials Today: Proceedings 26(2020): 1841-1844.
B. B. Verma, M. Mallik, J. D. Atkinson, and P. K. Ray “Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth behavior of 7475 Aluminum Alloy in Air and Aggressive Environment” Advanced Material Research volume 428(2012):133-136.
Dynamic Recrystallization; Modeling & Microstructure Evolution: A Review S.K. BadJena, A. Lavakumar
Under Review: International Journal of Materials processing & performance
A. Lava Kumar, Ch.V.S Murthy, D.V.V.S. Murthy, and N. Eswara Prasad “Strain Hardening behavior of nickel based superalloy Supercast 247A”, Published in the International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol.4 Issue 8, pp1914-1918
Shubhank Gupta, Aditi Panda, RuchiraNaskar, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Snehanshu Pal "Processing and refinement of steel microstructure images for assisting in computerized heat treatment of plain carbon steel." Journal of Electronic Imaging 26, no. 6 (2017): 063010.
B.Behera, D.K.Mishra, S. K. BadJena,and RenuPrava Dalai “Development and Characterization of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced Al-Cu Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites.†Materials Science Forum 978, ISSN: 1662-9752 (2019): 202-208.
Potential utilization of LD slag and waste glass in composite production in Materials Today Proceedings Volume 33, Part 8, 2020, Pages 5196-5199
RenuPrava Dalai “Effect Of Inter-Critical Heat Treatment On The Microstructure And Properties Of Medium Manganese Steel.†Materials Today: Proceedings 18(2019) 2388-2393.
Manila Mallik, Arijit Mitra, Srijan Sengupta, Karabi Das, Rabindra N. Ghosh, and Siddhartha Das “Effect of Current density on the Nucleation and Growth of Crystal Facet during Pulse Electro deposition of Sn-cu lead free solder” Crystal growth and Design 14 (2014): 6542−6549.
Analysis of Industrial Data Using Millsoft S.K. BadJena, B.K Mishra
Under Review: Minerals Engineering
A. Lava Kumar, Ch.V.S Murthy, Prince Kr Singh, Bhargav Chaithanya and Shiva Kumar “Property enrichment of aged nickel base superalloy Supercast 247A”, Published in the International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME), Vol 2, Issue 4 pp115-120.
Prince Kumar Singh, Prvan Kumar Katiyar, A. Lava Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Ajit Behera. "Agglomeration behavior of solid waste materials in steel plants." Emerging Materials Research 5, no. 1 (2016): 171-176.