ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra

Assistant Professor

Qualification : B.Tech (I.G.I.T., Sarang), M.Tech (IIT, Kharagpur), Ph.D. (VSSUT, Burla)

Specialization : Computational Metallurgy, Nanostructured Materials Deformation, Multi-component Alloy Thin Film and Coating, Nanoindentation Deformation, Multi-component Alloy and Composite Design and Processing, Powder and Process Metallurgy, etc.

B.Tech (I.G.I.T., Sarang), M.Tech (IIT, Kharagpur), Ph.D. (VSSUT, Burla)

Computational Metallurgy, Nanostructured Materials Deformation, Multi-component Alloy Thin Film and Coating, Nanoindentation Deformation, Multi-component Alloy and Composite Design and Processing, Powder and Process Metallurgy, etc.

  1. June 2014-Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical& Materials Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
  2. July 2013-Oct 2013, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, GIET, Gunupur, Rayagada, Odisha, India.

Graduate Level :
  1. Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics
  2. Deformation Behavior of Materials
  3. Mineral Processing
  4. Testing of Materials
  5. Failure Analysis
  6. Iron making
  7. X-Ray Diffraction
  8. Steel making
  9. Transport Phenomena
  10. Alternative Routes of Iron Making
Post Graduate Level :
  1. Advanced Concept in Iron Making
  2. Advanced Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Engineering Materials

  1. Computational Modeling & Simulation
  2. Design & Processing of Multi-component Alloy and Composite
  3. Processing & Characterization of HEA Thin Film & Coating
  4. Nanoindentation Deformation
  5. Powder Metallurgy
  6. Process Metallurgy
  7. Iron & Steel - Heat Treatment & Characterization

Ph. D. Candidates : 01 Nos (Ongoing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 08 Nos (Completed) 02 Nos (Ongoing)
  1. Topper of the NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme Certification Course on "Properties of Materials (Nature & Properties of Materials-An Introductory Course)" from 22nd July-13th September, 2024.
  2. Awarded with 1st Prize for poster presentation in Annual National Symposium DRAVYA 2k23 during 18th-19th March, 2023 at VSSUT, Burla. (Mentor)
  3. Awarded with 3rd Prize for poster presentation in Annual National Symposium DRAVYA 2k23 during 18th-19th March, 2023 at VSSUT, Burla. (Mentor)
  4. Awarded for 2nd Best Oral Presentation in National conference on BTTD-2019 during September 5-6, 2019 at CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur. (Mentor)
  5. Awarded for Best Poster presentation in the workshop on Monitoring of Research of Ph.D Scholars (MRS-2017) during March 17-18, 2017 at VSSUT, Burla.
  6. Secured All India Rank (AIR) - 193 in GATE 2011 in Metallurgical Engineering (MT).
  7. "B" and "C" certificate holder in National Cadet Corps (NCC).
  1. Life member in "The Indian Institute of Metals“ [AO2-LM-55725]
  2. Life member in "Society for Failure Analysis“ [FLM-SFA-0591]
  3. Life Associate member in "The Institution of Engineers (India)" [AM170967-7]

International Publications

  1. Swagatika Mishra, Punyapriya Mishra, Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, Punyatoya Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Krushna Prasad Shadangi "Study of frequency dependence properties of CCTO-BT/polymer composites" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2023): 09544062231192178.
  2. Renu Prava Dalai, Sushree P Mohapatra, Debasis Nayak, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Ajit Behera "Microstructure, Mechanical, and Tribological Relationship in Cu-12Al-Ni Alloy with Respect to the Variation of Ni Content" Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023): 1-13.
  3. Dibyasha Mohapatra, Dibya Ranjana Behera, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra "Prospective of functionalized graphene as shape memory and self-healing polymer: A review" Materials Today: Proceedings (2023).
  4. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Rutuparna Pattanaik, Gourahari Behera, Renu Prava Dalai, Sushant Kumar Badjena "Development of Al-SiC-TiO2 hybrid composite using powder metallurgy route and the influence of TiO2 variation on microstructure and mechanical properties. International Journal of Materials Research, , 0 (2023). 1-6.
  5. Saroj Kumar Sahu, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Ajit Behera, and Renu Prava Dalai "An overview on the effect of heat-treatment and cooling rates on Ni-based superalloys." Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021): 3309-3312.
  6. G. M. Naik, B. N. Anjan, R. I. Badiger, Sadashiv Bellubbi, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra "An investigation on effects of wire-EDT machining parameters on surface roughness of INCONEL 718." Materials Today: Proceedings 35 (2021): 474-477.
  7. R. P. Dalai, S. Nath, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and G. Behera "Fabrication of an Al matrix hybrid composite reinforced with Cu, Al2O3 and TiC by mechanical alloying." Materials Today: Proceedings 26(2020): 1841-1844.
  8. BishnupriyaBehera, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena and R. P. Dalai "Development and Characterization of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced Al-Cu Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites." Materials Science Forum 978, ISSN: 1662-9752 (2019): 202-208.
  9. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Md. Meraj,S. K. BadJenaand Snehanshu Pal "Structural evolution and dislocation behaviour study during nanoindentation of Mo20W20Co20Ta20Zr20 high entropy alloy coated Ni single crystal using molecular dynamic simulation." Molecular Simulation 45, no.7 (2019): 572-584.
  10. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Md. Meraj,S. K. BadJenaand Snehanshu Pal "Dislocation Interaction and V-Shaped Growth of the Distorted Structure During Nanoindentation of Cu 20 Ni 20 Al 20 Co 20 Fe 20 (high-entropy alloy)-Coated Copper: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation-Based Study." Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 72, no.1 (2019): 167-180..
  11. Shubhank Gupta, Aditi Panda, RuchiraNaskar, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Snehanshu Pal "Processing and refinement of steel microstructure images for assisting in computerized heat treatment of plain carbon steel." Journal of Electronic Imaging 26, no. 6 (2017): 063010.
  12. Prince Kumar Singh, Prvan Kumar Katiyar, A. Lava Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Ajit Behera. "Agglomeration behavior of solid waste materials in steel plants." Emerging Materials Research 5, no. 1 (2016): 171-176.

International Conferences

  1. Debasis Nayak, R. P. Dalai, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Purbasha Kar, “Review on the Processing, Properties, and Applications of Porous Al-Based Cellular Composites” [Presented in International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials (PM-23), 13th-15th March, 2023, Hotel The Lalit Mumbai]
  2. Suchismita Senapati, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Ajit Behera “A Comparative Study on Surface Modification of Mild Steel by Plasma Spray Coating using Major Industrial Solid Waste” [Presented in an International conference on Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering (CHEMSMART-22), 16th – 18th December, 2022]
  3. Krushnapriya Jena, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Smaranika Nayak “A Corrosion Study on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite for Engineering Applications” [Presented in an International conference on Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering (CHEMSMART-22), 16th – 18th December, 2022]
  4. Dibya Ranjana Behera, Dibyasha Mohapatra and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A Tribocorrosion Study on Graphene-based Polymer Nanocomposite Coating for Advanced Applications” [Presented in an International conference on Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering (CHEMSMART-22), 16th – 18th December, 2022]
  5. Dibyasha Mohapatra, Dibya Ranjana Behera and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Prospective of Functionalized Graphene as Shape Memory and Self-Healing Polymer: A Review.” [Presented in an International conference on Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering (CHEMSMART-22), 16th – 18th December, 2022]
  6. Debasis Nayak, K. Swain, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, R. P. Dalai “A Short Review on the Processing and Thermophysical Properties of Hybrid Nanofluid” [Presented in International Conference on Nanotechnology; Opportunities & Challenges (ICNOC-2022), 28th-30th November, 2022, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi]
  7. Dibya Ranjana Behera, Ashish Jha, Renu Prava Dalai and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A short review on fly-ash reinforced polymer matrix composite.” [Presented in international conference on emerging materials for sustainable development (EMSD-2022), 9th-11th October, 2022, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh]
  8. Biswajit Sahu, Renu Prava Dalai, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A review on synthesis of Ni-based composite powder for industrial application” [Presented in International conference on Advances in Steel, Power and Construction Technology (ICASPCT-2022), 15th – 17th June, 2022, OPJU, Raigarh]
  9. S. K. Sahu, S. P. Mohapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai “A Short Review on the Enhancement of Mechanical, Thermal, and Tribological Properties of Copper by Adding Different Ceramic Particles by Powder Metallurgy Route.” [Presented in International conference on Powder Metallurgy (PM 22), 18th – 20th April, 2022 (Virtual Mode)]
  10. S. Swain, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra, “A review on effect of reinforcement type and composition on microstructure and mechanical property of copper matrix composites using powder metallurgy route” [Presented in International Conference on Advanced Materials in Innovative Technology (AMITY 2022), 5th – 7th April, 2022, Amity University, Jaipur]
  11. Priti Shikha Nanda, Arpita Priyadarshani Samal, Renu Prava Dalai and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “The effect of reinforcement composition and sintering temperature on microstructure and properties of Al-SiC-fly ash composite.” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7th – 8th December, 2021, NIT Rourkela]
  12. Rutupurna Nayak, Gaurhari Behera, Renu Prava Dalai, S. K. BadJena, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Development of Al-SiC-TiO2 hybrid composite using powder metallurgy route and the influence of TiO2 variation on microstructure and mechanical properties.” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7th – 8th December, 2021, NIT Rourkela]
  13. S. S. Sahoo, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai “Effect of thermal ageing on the wear behavior of glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite with SiC as filler material.” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7th – 8th December, 2021, NIT Rourkela]
  14. S. P. Mohapatra, S. K. Sahu, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai “Effect of lubricant and process control agent addition on the properties of Ni-based alloys developed by powder metallurgy route.” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7th – 8th December, 2021, NIT Rourkela]
  15. Renu Prava Dalai, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra, “Water absorption behavior and dielectric properties of glass fiber reinforced epoxy matrix composite with Al2O3 and TiO2 nano fillers.” [Presented in international conference on RICBE-2K21, 16th-18th September, 2021, Jointly organized by departments of Chemical engineering and department of Biosciences, RGUKT -Nuzvid in association with IIChE Amaravati Regional Centre, Guntur]
  16. Shweta Tripathy, Pratikshya Padhi, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A review on graphene foam reinforced epoxy matrix based composite.” [Presented in international conference on RICBE-2K21, 16th-18th September, 2021, Jointly organized by departments of Chemical engineering and department of Biosciences, RGUKT -Nuzvid in association with IIChE Amaravati Regional Centre, Guntur]
  17. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Renu Prava Dalai, and Swagatika Mishra “A short review on carbon and glass fiber reinforced hybrid polymer matrix composite for marine applications.” [Presented in international conference on RICBE-2K21, 16th-18th September, 2021, Jointly organized by departments of Chemical engineering and department of Biosciences, RGUKT -Nuzvid in association with IIChE Amaravati Regional Centre, Guntur]
  18. Saroj Kumar Sahu, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Ajit Behera and R. P. Dalai “An overview on the effect of heat-treatment and cooling rates on Ni-based super-alloys.” [Presented in online conference on ICAMEN-2021, 18th-19th March, 2021, Jointly organized by Manipal University Jaipur and NIT Uttarakhand]
  19. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai “Synthesis and Characterization of Al-Fly ash Composite via Powder Metallurgy Method” [Presented in International online conference on ESMAC-2020 10th – 12th August, 2020, KIIT, Bhubaneswar]
  20. Renu Prava Dalai, Suchismita Nath, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Gaurhari Behera “Fabrication of an Al matrix hybrid composite reinforced with Cu, Al2O3 and TiC by mechanical alloying” [Presented in International conference on Materials Processing and Characterization 21st -23rd February, 2020, GLA University Mathura]
  21. Arpita Priyadarshani Samal, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai “Synthesis and Characterization of Al-SiC-Fly Ash Nanocomposites via Powder Metallurgy Route to Study the Effect of Fly Ash and Sintering Temperature on final Microstructure and Mechanical Properties” [Presented in International conference on INALT 2020, 8th-9th February, 2020, NALCO, Angul]
  22. Suchismita Nath, Renu Prava Dalai, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Microstructure and mechanical properties between Al-Cu-TiC and Al-Cu-SiC metal matrix composite by powder metallurgy route” [Presented in International conference on INALT 2020, 8th-9th February, 2020, NALCO, Angul]
  23. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Renu Prava Dalai, Arpita Priyadarshani Samal, and Binay Kumar Mahanta “Effect of Sintering Temperature and Reinforcement Composition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-SiC-Fly Ash Hybrid Composite using Powder Metallurgy Route” [Presented in International conference on ICASPCT-2019, 21st-22nd November, 2019, OPJIT, Raigarh]
  24. Suchismita Nath, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai “Development of Al-Cu Matrix Composites Reinforced with Al2O3, SiC and TiC by Mechanical Alloying” [Presented in International conference on ICASPCT-2019, 21st-22nd November, 2019, OPJIT, Raigarh]
  25. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena, and Snehanshu Pal “Study the Effect of Dislocation Evolution on Deformation Behavior of HEA Coated Single Crystal Ni under different Loading Velocity during Nanoindentation using Molecular Dynamics Simulation” [Presented in International conference on SCAN-2019, 1st-2nd November 2019, Hotel Novotel, Kolkata]
  26. Bishnupriya Behera, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena and R. P. Dalai “Synthesis and Characterization of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced Al-Cu Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites.” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2018, 6th – 8th December 2018, NIT Rourkela] [Proceeding available]
  27. Subhadra Sahoo, Amit Sarkar, Nilakantha Sahu and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Corrosion Behaviour of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Different Temperature, and pH” [Presented in International conference on ICAMMP-iv 2016, 05th – 07th November 2016, IIT Kharagpur]
  28. Arati Biswal, Nitish Jojo, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and R.P. Dalai “Fabrication and characterization of the Fly ash reinforced aluminium matrix composite” [Presented in International conference on ICAMMP-iv 2016, 05th – 07th November 2016, IIT Kharagpur]
  29. Dinesh Kumar Mishra and A. Lava Kumar “Modelling of Iron Ore Pelletization” [Presented in International conference on ICASPCT-2015, 14th-16th January 2015, OPJIT, Raigarh]

National Conferences

  1. Dibyasha Mohapatra, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Functionalized Graphene in Shape Memory and Self-Healing: A Review.” [Presented and Awarded with 1st Prize in Annual National Symposium DRAVYA 2k23, 18th-19th March, 2023, VSSUT, Burla]
  2. Dibya Ranjana Behera and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Synthesis and Characterization of Fly ash reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite.” [Presented and Awarded with 3rd Prize in Annual National Symposium DRAVYA 2k23, 18th-19th March, 2023, VSSUT, Burla]
  3. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena, and Snehanshu Pal “A Comparative Nanoindentation Study on HEA Coated FCC Metals and Stacking Fault Tetrahedra Evolution in HEA Coated Single Crystal Al: A MD Simulation Study” [Presented in online conference on CPCM-2020, 18th-20th December, 2020, NIT Rourkela]
  4. Manisha Kar, Naina Nickytasha Baral, S. K. BadJena, Gourhari Behera, Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Fabrication and Characterization of Al-SiC-TiO2 Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite using Powder Metallurgy Route.” [Presented in National conference on Innovative Structural Materials, 24th – 25th December 2018, Advanced Engineering Research Foundation (AEMRF), Bhubaneswar]
  5. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Md. Meraj, S. K. BadJena and Snehanshu Pal “Effect of Work Hardening Behavior on Growth of Defect Structure under Nanoindentation of Cu20Ni20Al20Co20Fe20 (HEA) coated Copper: A Molecular Dynamics Study.” [Presented in National conference on NMD ATM 2018, 14th – 16th November 2018, J. W. Marriott, Kolkata]
  6. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Prayag Agrawal, Amit Kumar Mishra, Nirmal Chandra Das, and Subhadra Sahoo “Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welded Dual Phase Steel and Medium Carbon Steel Joint by TIG Welding” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2018, 5th-6th July 2018, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  7. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Saraswat Mishra, Abinash Jena, Nitish Jojo, and Subhadra Sahoo “Study of Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel Type 304” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2018, 5th-6th July 2018, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  8. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Nitish Jojo, Swagatika Mishra, and Subhadra Sahoo “Sintering Behavior of Al2O3-SiO2 based mortar under the variation of different binders” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2017, 22nd-23rd April 2017, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  9. Subhadra Sahoo, Nirmal Chandra Das, Mojesh Samuel Sukdulary and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Corrosion behavior of AISI 304 SS Alloy in different solution” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2017, 22nd-23rd April 2017, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  10. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena and Snehanshu Pal “Study of High Entropy Alloy using Mechanical Alloying Route” [Presented in MRS-2017, 17th – 18th Mar 2017, VSSUT, Burla] [Awarded as Best Poster Presentation]
  11. Nirmal Chandra Das, Anubhav Mahapatra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and R.P Dalai “Effect of sintering temperature and reinforcement content on the properties of Al/Fly ash composite” [Presented in National conference on NMD ATM 2016, 11th – 14th November 2016, IIT Kanpur]
  12. Chinmayee Pati, Akanshya Rout, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Snehanshu Pal “Effect of casting speed and specific heat on metallurgical length of continuous casting of different kinds of steel” [Presented in National conference on NMD ATM 2016, 11th – 14th November 2016, IIT Kanpur]
  13. Shradha Nayak, Md. Meraj, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Snehanshu Pal “Effect of void in crack propagation in Nickel thin film” [Presented in National conference on NMD ATM 2016, 11th – 14th November 2016, IIT Kanpur]
  14. Nilakantha Sahu, Subhadra Sahoo and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Heat Affected Zone Simulation of Nitronic steel using Rykalin 3D method for HAZ Simulation” [Presented in National conference on NMD ATM 2016, 11th – 14th November 2016, IIT Kanpur]
  15. Amit Kumar Mishra, Nitish Jojo, Subhadra Sahoo, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A Study on Production of Stainless Steel Through AOD Converter by the use of Dynamic Process Modelling” [Presented in National conference on Advanced Engineering Materials, 2016, 23rd – 24th July 2016, GIET, Gunupur]
  16. Anubhav Mahapatra, Nirmal Chandra Das, Subhadra Sahoo, and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A Review on Graphene - Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Process” [Presented in National conference on Advanced Engineering Materials, 2016, 23rd – 24th July 2016, GIET, Gunupur]
  17. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Shradha Nayak, Chinmayee Pati and Subhadra Sahoo “Impact of Superheat on Continuous Casting of Steel” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2016, 09th-10th June 2016, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  18. Amit Mishra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and Subhadra Sahoo “Estimation of Ductile Tearing Resistance of DP590 Steel by Essential work of Fracture Method” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2016, 09th-10th June 2016, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  19. Sasmita Rath, Suraj Kumar Panda and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A Review on Graphene based Nano Composites” [Presented in National conference on NCPCM-2015, 12th-13th December 2015, NIT, Rourkela]
  20. Shreehard Sahu and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “A Study on High Entropy Alloys for Aero Engines” [Presented in National conference on NCPCM-2015, 12th-13th December 2015, NIT, Rourkela]
  21. Chinmayee Pati and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Study of Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals from Discarded Printed Circuit Boards (PCBS)” [Presented in National conference on NCPCM-2015, 12th-13th December 2015, NIT, Rourkela]
  22. Manorama Pradhan, Archana Mishra and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “Study of Super Plasticity in Nano Materials” [Presented in National conference on NCPCM-2015, 12th-13th December 2015, NIT, Rourkela]
  23. Subhadra Sahoo, Padmapriya N., Partha Sarathi De, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, P. C. Chakraborti and S. K. Ray “EWF Testing of Automotive Grade DP 590 Steel Sheets” [Presented in National conference on NMD ATM 2015, 13th – 16th November 2015, IIM Coimbatore]
  24. Sasmita Rath, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and S. K. BadJena “A study on Manufacturing of Ceramic Tiles using Fly Ash” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2015, 09th-10th April 2015, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  25. Sidharth Patra, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and S. K. BadJena “A Study on Inclusion Control during Continuous Casting” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2015, 09th-10th April 2015, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  26. Swastika Tripathy, A. Lava Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and S. K. BadJena “A Review on Ancient Advanced Material: Wootz Steel” [Presented in National conference on BTTD-2015, 09th-10th April 2015, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur]
  1. Priti Shikha Nanda, Arpita Priyadarshani Samal, Renu Prava Dalai and Dinesh Kumar Mishra "The effect of reinforcement composition and sintering temperature on microstructure and properties of Al-SiC-Fly ash composite." In: Dutta, K., Mallik, A., Kotadia, H.R., Das, S. (eds) Processing and Characterization of Materials. ACIEQ 2021(pp. 95-103). Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 26. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-5509-1_8.
  2. Sweta Suchismita Sahoo, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai "The Effect of Thermal Aging on the Wear Behavior of Glass Fiber-Epoxy Matrix Composite with SiC as Filler Material." In: Dutta, K., Mallik, A., Kotadia, H.R., Das, S. (eds) Processing and Characterization of Materials. ACIEQ 2021 (pp. 115-123). Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 26. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-5509-1_8.
  3. Saroj Kumar Sahoo, Suhree P Mohapatra Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Renu Prava Dalai "A Short Review on The Effect of Ceramic Particles, MWCNT, and Graphene on The Properties of Cu Matrix Composites by Powder Metallurgy Route" TRANSACTIONS OF POWDER METALLURGY ASSOCIATION OF INDIA, 90.
  4. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJena, and Snehanshu Pal "A Comparative Nanoindentation Study on HEA Coated FCC Metals and Stacking Fault Tetrahedra Evolution in HEA Coated Single Crystal Al: A MD Simulation Study" Book Chapter in Processing and Characterization of Materials(Select Proceedings of CPCM 2020), Springer Proceedings in Materials, Snehanshu Pal et al. (Eds), eBook ISBN 978-981-16-3937-1, Series ISSN 2662-3161, Vol. 13, Edition No. 1.
  1. Convener cum coordinator in MME society sponsored two-days Annual National Symposium Dravya 2k24 on 12th-13th April, 2024 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  2. Convener cum coordinator in MME society sponsored two-days Annual National Symposium Dravya 2k23 on 18th-19th March, 2023 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla to celebrate 10 years of Excellence of MME Department.
  3. Convener cum coordinator in MME society sponsored one-day seminar on Current Status in Biomaterials and Implants (CSBI - 2022) on 16th February, 2022 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  4. Convener cum coordinator in MME society sponsored one-day webinar on Advanced Concept in Corrosion and Battery (ACCB - 2022) on 6th February, 2022 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  5. Convener cum coordinator in TEQIP-III sponsored one-week FDP Webinar on AMPCA 2020 from 8th-12th September, 2020 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  6. Master Trainer in TEQIP-III sponsored Workshop on “Hands-on Training on Solar Study Lamp Assembly & Let's Create Non-violence towards Environment” in Association with Gandhi Global Solar Yatra, IIT Bombay (VSSUT, Burla) 2nd October 2019.
  7. Co-convener cum coordinator in TEQIP-III sponsored two-week short-term training programme on SPCAM-2019 from 7th-16th April, 2019 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  8. Convener in TEQIP-III sponsored one-week workshop on LSDMB-2019 from 10th-14th February, 2019 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  9. Co-convener cum coordinator in TEQIP-III sponsored 2-days workshop on Experiments in Non Destructive Testing from 17th-18th February, 2018 organized by Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  10. Faculty coordinator in Dravya 2018, annual national symposium organized by Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
  11. Faculty coordinator in Metaphilia 2017, annual national symposium organized by Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
  1. Faculty Advisor of Training & Placement from Department of MME, VSSUT, Burla (29.07.2024 - Present).
  2. Moderation Committee Member from Department of MME, VSSUT, Burla (02.09.2024 - Present).
  3. Conducting Board Member from Department of MME, VSSUT, Burla (26.08.2023 - 01.09.2024).
  4. Faculty Advisor of Plantation Drive Event under Social Service Society, VSSUT, Burla (06.10.2023 - Present).
  5. International Student Advisor and Nodal Officer for Government Nominee Students Admission, VSSUT, Burla (09.05.2023 - Present).
  6. Assistant Warden of Pulaha Hall of Residence, VSSUT, Burla (24.02.2021 - 10.03.2023).
  7. Member of Veer Surendra Sai Space Innovation Centre (VSSSIC) (25.10.2021 - Present).
  8. Professor In charge of MME society (03.08.2021 - 05.08.2024).
  9. Departmental IQAC (NAAC/NBA) coordinator (09.09.2023-Present).
  10. Professor Incharge (PIC) of Mineral Processing laboratory, Process Metallurgy and Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetic laboratory.
  11. Member of Departmental Academic Committee (DAC) (15.02.2022 - Present).
  12. Industrial Visit/Expert Talk coordinator.
  13. Department/Central Library coordinator.
  • Reviewer
    • Dinesh Kumar Mishra -Certificate for reviewed contribution to the International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology - Industry 4.0 (ETETI-2023)” (Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang), 6th – 7th May, 2023.
  • Invited Talk
    • Dinesh Kumar Mishra -“High Entropy Alloys (HEAs): New Trends of Multi-Component Alloy Systems”(Veer Surendra Sai University Technology, Burla), 10th – 14th February, 2019.
    • Dinesh Kumar Mishra -“High Entropy Alloys: A New Hope in the Modern Scientific Society” (Advanced Engineering Research Foundation (AEMRF), Bhubaneswar), 24th-25th December, 2018.
  • Number of Certification Courses: 07
    • Certified Micro-Credit course on "Laser Assisted Additive Manufacturing of Steel (LAMS)" from 9th-16th January, 2023 offered by IIT Kharagpur.
    • Certified with succesfully completion of NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme Certification Course on "Properties of Materials (Nature & Properties of Material-An Introductory Course)" from 22nd July-13th September, 2024 with a consolidated score of 70% with performance (Elite & Topper of the Course).
    • Certified with succesfully completion of NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme Certification Course on "Properties of Materials (Nature & Properties of Material-III)" from 21st February-15th April, 2022 with a consolidated score of 77% with performance (Elite+Silver).
    • Certified with succesfully completion of NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme Certification Course on "Phase Equilibria in Materials (Nature & Properties of Material-II)" from 26th July-17th September, 2021 with a consolidated score of 84% with performance (Elite+Silver).
    • Certified with succesfully completion of Industrial Training from 13rd August-04th September, 2021 at Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited, Burla.
    • Certified with successive completion of SSA101x: Hands-on training on Solar study lamp assembly from 1st May-31st December 2019 offered by IITBombayX.
    • Certified with successive completion of Non Destructive Test Training – (Level-II)
  • Short-term courses, FDPs, Workshops & Symposium Attended:
    • Workshop on “Recent Advances in Materials and Mechanics (RAMM-2022)” (IIT BBSR), 12th – 13th Nov, 2022
    • Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Material Characterization Techniques (AMCT-2022)” (OPJU, Raigarh), 7th – 11th November, 2022
    • QIP Short Term Course on “Advances in Energy and Functional Materials” (IIT BBSR), 14th – 26th June, 2021
    • Short Term Course on “Fracture Mechanics and Its Applications to Laminated Composites” (IIT Guwahati), 01st – 05th March, 2021
    • Faculty Development Programme on “Fundamentals and Advances in Powder Metallurgy” (IIT Indore), 8th – 10th December, 2020
    • Certification courses (completed module) on
    1. Book writing(13th June 2020)
    2. Fundamentals of manuscript preparation(15th June 2020)
    3. Ethics (26th June 2020) by Researcher Academy Module (Elsevier)
    • Certification course on “Focus on Peer Review” byNature Masterclasses (Springer Nature)on 17th June 2020
    • Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process (DTITLP) NPIU and IIT Bombay(SWAYAM)from 16th – 30th March 2020.
    • Workshop on “Hands-on Training on Solar Study Lamp Assembly & Let's Create Non-violence towards Environment” in Association with Gandhi Global Solar Yatra, IIT Bombay (VSSUT, Burla),2nd October 2019
    • Short Term Course on “First Course in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Development, Application and Analysis (FCCFD-2018)” (IIT Bombay), 25th – 29th June, 2018
    • Workshop on TEQIP-III Faculty Induction Program, (IIT Kharagpur),24th – 28th May, 2018
    • Short Term Course on “Numerical Techniques for Chemical Process Simulations” (IIT Kharagpur), 20th – 26th November, 2017
    • Workshop on “High Resolution X-Ray and Electron Diffraction” (IIT Kanpur), 01st – 05th February, 2016
    • Workshop on “Advanced Techniques in Materials Characterization” (NIT, Raipur), 22nd – 23rd January, 2016
    • Workshop on “Microstructure Engineering via Heat Treatment” (IIT, Kanpur), 19th – 21st October, 2015
    • Short Term Course on “Aerospace Materials: Processing, Characterization & Applications” (IIT, Roorkee), 01st – 06th June, 2015
  • Lecture Notes Uploaded in the University Site:
    • Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics (MME-202), [prepared by Dinesh Kumar Mishra, RenuKumariand S. K. BadJena]
    • Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy (MM-15035), [prepared by Dinesh Kumar Mishra, GautamBehera and A. Lava Kumar]
    • Iron Making (MM-15020), [prepared by GautamBehera, SuneetiPurohit and Dinesh Kumar Mishra]
    • Heat Treatment (MM-15-015), [prepared by A. Lava Kumar, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and S. K. BadJena]
    • Mineral Engineering & Fuel Technology (MME - 203), [prepared by GautamBehera, Dinesh Kumar Mishra and A. Lava Kumar]
Present Address : 
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, V.S.S. University of Technology, Burla Sambalpur, 768018, Odisha, India
  Permanent Address : 
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, C/O: Dwijabara Mishra, At /P.O.: Kapasi, Via: Chitalo, Pin: 755062, Dist: Jajpur, Odisha