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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Mr. Gautam Behera

Assistant Professor

Qualification : B.Tech. (I.G.I.T Sarang) M.Tech (IIT Kharagpur)

Specialization : Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

B.Tech. (I.G.I.T Sarang) M.Tech (IIT Kharagpur)

Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

  1. Assistant Professor in Op Jindal University,Raigarh C.G 2013-2014
  2. Assistant Professor in V.S.S. University of Technology, Burla since June 2014

Graduate Level :
  1. Unit Process Extraction
  2. Iron making
  3. Steel making
  4. Mineral Processing
  5. Physical Metallurgy
  6. Heat Treatment
  7. Nano Materials
Executive B tech program:
  1. Principles of extractive metallurgy
  2. Nonferrous extractive metallurgy
  3. Advanced Material
  4. Hydro and electrometallurgy
  5. Mineral processing
Post Graduate Level : Advanced Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Engineering Materials

Polymer Composites,Ceramic composite Physical Metallurgy of steels, Industrial Waste utilization, Friction Stir Processingof Al alloys

Ph. D. Candidates : NIL
M. Tech. Candidates : NIL
  1. Second Prize in poster presentation in National conference on processing and Characterization of Materials -2015 at NIT Rourkela
  2. Best Technical paper in 4th international conference on advances in steel, power and construction technology organised by OPJU, RAIGARH , C.G 2019
  3. Token of gratitude in recognition of guidance and constant undying support for the cultural association club in the session 2016-2017
  4. Excellent judge as per the Feed back of participants in techdocx technical paper presentation competition on 22 feb 2017 in Technorollix 2017 at OP Jindal university Raigarh C.G
  5. Appreciation from Secretary Dist Red cross Branch Sambalpur for for the effort exercised for collection of cloths to be distributed to the poorest of poor in the rural village
  6. Appreciation from JSPL and BPSL employee for the Best lecture note of IRON making and blast furnace technology.
Society of failure analysis (SFA)

International Publications

  1. Potential utilization of LD slag and waste glass in composite production in Materials Today Proceedings Volume 33, Part 8, 2020, Pages 5196-5199

International Conferences

  1. International conference on advances in steel, power, and construction technology .at OPJIT Raigarh C.G.
  2. National conference on processing and characterization of materials NIT Rourkela December 12-13, 2015.
  1. Influence of TiO2 Particle on the Friction Stir Welding of 7075 Al AlloyBook Chapter in “Processing and Characterization of Materials(Select Proceedings of CPCM 2020)”, Springer Proceedings in Materials, Snehanshu Pal et al. (Eds), eBook ISBN 978-981-16-3937-1, Series ISSN 2662-3161, Vol. 13, Edition No. 1.
  1. The coordinator Q.I.P short term course on Advanced Materials Synthesis processing characterization and application Dec 6-12 2015
  2. The Convener FDP on Current Scenario on Steel Research 7th-11th sept 2020
  3. The Convener annual national symposium (DRAVYA 2018)
  4. The Convener annual national symposium (Metaphilia 2017)
  5. The Convener Workshop on Material processing , process Metallurgy & Materials Characterization 19-23 march 2018
  6. The co-coordinator STTP on synthesis, processing, and Characterization of Advanced Materials 07-16 April 2019
  7. The Coordinator Work shop on Experiment in non-destructive testing 17-18thfeb 2018
  1. Assistant warden of Angira hall of residence 2015-2017
  2. Departmental yearly Newsletter Coordinator 2015-217
  3. Member of Conducting board
  4. Members of DPC
  5. Faculty advisor of Training and placement from department 2015-2020
  6. Coordinator of industrial visit from department 2015-2020
  7. Faculty advisor cultural association 2016-2017
  8. Faculty advisor society of MME 2017-2021
  9. U.G syllabus Coordinator
  10. U.G mentor
  11. PIC Process Metallurgy Lab
Video lectures link on youtube :

Lecture notes prepared and uploaded in university web :
  1. Unit process of Extraction
  2. Iron making
  3. Mineral processing and fuel technology
Talk as an expert on advanced steel for power plant tubes and pipes on 12.12.2015
Present Address : 
autam Behera
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
V.S.S. University of Technology, Burla
Sambalapur – 768018
Odisha, India
  Permanent Address : 
Gautam Behera
S/O: Banamali Behera
At-VIP Colony, Gopal Gaon