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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Manila Mallik

Assistant Professor

Qualification : B. Tech (I.G.I.T. Sarang), M. Tech (NIT Rourkela), PhD (IIT Kharagpur)

Specialization : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

B. Tech (I.G.I.T. Sarang), M. Tech (NIT Rourkela), PhD (IIT Kharagpur)

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Assistant Professor, MME, VSSUT Burla – since October 2016 till date Guest Lecturer, MME, IGIT Sarang- 2008-2009

Graduate Level : Mechanical Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Advanced Materials, Characterization of materials
Post Graduate Level : Nil

Electrochemistry, Material Characterization, Creep, Nanocomposite, Microstructure property correlation in metal

Ph. D. Candidates : 2 No. ongoing
M. Tech. Candidates :
  1. Institute silver medal in M. Tech, NIT Rourkela
IIM, India

International Publications

  1. Verma, B.B., Mallik, Manila, Atkinson, John D, Ray, Prabal Kumar, (2012), Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth Behavior of 7475 Aluminium Alloy in Air and Aggressive Environment Advanced Materials Research, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 428, pp. 133-136, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR-428 428.133.
  2. Mallik, Manila, Mitra, Arijit , Sengupta, Srijan, Das, Karabi, Ghosh, Rabindra N. , and Das, Siddhartha , (2014), Effect of Current Density on the Nucleation and Growth of Crystal Facets during Pulse Electrodeposition of Sn–Cu Lead-Free Solder, Crystal Growth & Design,Vol. 14 (12), pp.6542–6549,DOI:10.1021/cg501440a.
  3. Mitra,Arijit, Mallik, Manila, Sengupta, Srijan, BanthiaSwastika, Das Karabi, and Das Siddhartha, (2017), Effect of Anodic Passivation at High Applied Potential Difference on the Crystal Shape and Morphology of Copper Electrodeposits: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Electrocrystallization, Crystal Growth & Design, Vol.17 (4), pp.1539–1549. DOI:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01420.
  4. Sengupta, Srijan, Mitra, Arijit, Dahiya, Prem P., Kumar, Abhinav, Mallik, Manila, Das Karabi, Majumder,S.B. , Das,Siddhartha, (2017), Investigation on lithium conversion behavior and degradation mechanisms in Tin based ternary component alloy anodes for lithium ion batteries, Journal of alloys and compound, Journal of alloys and compound, Vol. 721, pp.236-248, DOI: 10.1016/j.
  5. Banthia, Swastika, Sengupta, Srijan, Mallik, Manila, Das Siddhartha, and Das, Karabi (2017), Substrate effect on electrodeposited copper morphology and crystal shapes, Surface Engineering,pp.1-8. DOI:10.1080/02670844.2017.1321265.
  6. B. B. Verma, M. Mallik, J. D. Atkinson, and P. K. Ray “Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth behavior of 7475 Aluminum Alloy in Air and Aggressive Environment” Advanced Material Research volume 428(2012):133-136.
  7. Manila Mallik, Arijit Mitra, Srijan Sengupta, Karabi Das, Rabindra N. Ghosh, and Siddhartha Das “Effect of Current density on the Nucleation and Growth of Crystal Facet during Pulse Electro deposition of Sn-cu lead free solder” Crystal growth and Design 14 (2014): 6542−6549.

International Conferences

  1. S. Sahoo, S. Nayak, D Sahoo, M. Mallik, International conference on Material Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2019); Corrosion Inhibition Behaviourof Dual Phase Steel in 3.5 % NaCl solution by Carica Papaya Peel Extracts, Hyderabad, from 8th to 10th March,2019
  2. Mallik, Manila, Das, K., Ghosh, R. N., Das, S., (2016), Synthesis of creep resistant pulse electrodeposited Sn-Cu-Y2O3 lead free nanocomposite solder; TMS (2016), February 14-18, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  3. Sengupta, S., Mitra, A., Mallik, Manila, Dahiya, P. P., Das, K., Majumder, S. B., Das, S.,(2016), (2016),Electrodeposited Tin-antimony-copper alloy negative electrode for lithium ion batteries, TMS (2016), February 14-18, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  4. Mallik, Manila, Ghosh, R. N., Das, S., (2014) Nanoindentation creep of monolithic and Sn-Cu-Y2O3nano-composite lead-free solder; International Conference on Emerging Materials and Processes, ICEMP (2014), February 26-28, IMMT Bhubaneswar, India.
  5. Mallik, Manila, Das, S., Ghosh, R. N., (2013) Load control nanoindentation creep behavior of near eutectic Sn-0.7Cu lead free solder alloy synthesized by pulse electrodeposition; International Conference on “Frontiers in Energy, Environment, health and Materials Research EEMR (2013), august12-13, pp-56, IMMT Bhubaneswar, India.
  6. Mallik, Manila, Ghosh, R. N., Das, S.,(2013), Tailoring the morphology of eutectic Sn-Cu coating during pulse electrodeposition, NMD-ATM (2013), 12-15 November IIT(BHU)Varanasi, India.
  7. “Synthesis of creep resistant pulse electrodeposited Sn-Cu-Y2O3 lead free solder” by Manila Mallik, Karabi Das, Rabindra Natrh Ghosh, Siddhartha Das, TMS (2016), Nashville, Tenessee, USA.
  8. “Nanoindentation creep of monolithic and Sn-Cu-Y2O3 nano-composite lead-free solder” by Manila Mallik, Rabindra Natrh Ghosh, Siddhartha Das. International Conference on “Emerging Materials and Processes” ICEMP (2014), IMMT Bhubaneswar, India.
  9. “Tailoring the morphology of eutectic Sn-Cu coating during pulse electrodeposition” by Manila Mallik, Rabindra Natrh Ghosh, Siddhartha Das. NMD-ATM (2013), Varanasi, India.
  10. “Load control nanoindentation creep behavior of near eutectic Sn-0.7Cu lead free solder alloy synthesized by pulse electrodeposition method” by Manila Mallik, Rabindra Natrh Ghosh, Siddhartha Das. International Conference on “Frontiers in Energy, Environment, health and Materials Research” EEMR (2013), IMMT Bhubaneswar, India.
  11. Seminar on Metallurgical Engineering held at CSIR- NML, Jamshedpur.
  12. 22nd Annual General Meeting of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) at CSIR-AMPRI.
  • Convenerin TEQIP_III sponsored two-week short term training programme on SPCAM-2019 from 7th – 16thApril, 2019 organized by Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  • Co-convener in TEQIP_III sponsored one-week workshop on LSDMB-2019 from 10th – 14thFebruary, 2019 organized by Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  • Co-convener in TEQIP_III sponsored one-week workshop on NTPMMPMC-2018 from 19th – 23rd March, 2018 organized by Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  • Faculty co-ordinator in Dravya 2018, annual national symposium organized by Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.
  • Faculty co-ordinator in Metaphilia 2017, annual national symposium organized by Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.
PIC of Physical Metallurgy Lab,Characterization Lab and Electrometallurgy lab Member of Conducting board ,DPC,BOS&NSS

Invited Talk:

  1. AICTE QIP short term course on Materials, Manufacturing and Management (MMM-2018) from 14th- 26th May, 2018 organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
  2. TEQIP_III sponsored one-week workshop on NTPMMPMC-2018 from 19th – 23rd March, 2018 organized by Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.

Short term course attended:

  1. TEQIP-III workshop on AdvancedScanning Electron Microscope and Microanalysis from 11th to 15th at IIT Kanpur.
  2. TEQIP-III Sponsored Workshop on Application techniques on Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AOTAMP-2019) 25th -30th March, 2019 organized by Mechanical Engineering at VSSUT, Burla.
  3. TEQIP-III Sponsored Workshop on modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis for Experimental Research (MSDAER-2019) 28thJanuary -1thFebruary, 2019 organized by Chemical Engineering at VSSUT, Burla.
  4. GIAN course on Cost Effective and sustainable solutions for management of Hazardous Waste at IIT Bhubaneswar 11th-15th December, 2018.
  5. TEQIP-III Sponsored Workshop on New Trends in Renewable Energy and Environmental Sciences (NTREES-2018) 23rd -27th July, 2018 organized by Chemical Engineering at VSSUT, Burla.
  6. AICTE QIP short term course on Functional Engineering Materials: Technology, Modeling and analysis (FEMTMA-2019) from 25th-07th July, 2018 organized by Department of Production Engineering at VSSUT, Burla.
  7. Faculty induction workshopfrom 12th to 16th June,2018 at IIT Kharagpur.
  8. AICTE QIP Short Term Course on FEMTMA-2018 from 25th -7th June 2018 at VSSUT Burla.
  9. TEQIP_III sponsored one-week workshop on NTPMMPMC-2018 from 19th – 23rd March, 2018 organized by Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla
  10. AICTE QIP Short Term Course on CMMMO from 19th - 24th February 2018 organized by Department of Production Engineering at VSSUT, Burla.
  11. TEQIP-III sponsored two-week workshop on Cloud Computing 8th to 20thJanuary,, 2018 organized by Dept. of Information Technology at VSSUT Burla.
  12. GIAN course on crystallographic texture and crystal plasticity modelling from 4th -14th December 2017 at IIT Kharagpur.
  13. TEQIP sponsored one day workshop on Quality of higher and technical education in India-Role of Universities on 20th February, 2017 organized by VSSUT, Burla.

Hands-on experience on instruments:

  1. Scanning Electron Microscope
  2. Atomic Force Microscopy
  3. X-ray Diffractometer
  4. Particle size analyser
Present Address : 
Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engg.
V.S.S. University of Technology, Burla
Sambalpur – 768018
Odisha, India
  Permanent Address : 
Plot No.-45, Rekha Nivas
At: Bomikhal
Po: Rasulgar
Dist: Khorda
Pin: 751010, Odisha