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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Renu Prava Dalai

Assistant Professor

Qualification : B.Tech (I.G.I.T., Sarang), M.Tech (N.I.T Rourkela), Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)

Specialization : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

B.Tech (I.G.I.T., Sarang), M.Tech (N.I.T Rourkela), Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

1.June 2015–Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Veer SurendraSai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
2. September 2014–June 2015, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, IGIT Sarang, Talcher, Dhenkanal, Odisha, India.
3. January 2006–June 2008, Guest lecturer, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, IGIT Sarang, Talcher, Dhenkanal, Odisha, India.

Graduate Level :
  1. Engineering Materials
  2. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy
  3. Fuel furnace and refractories
  4. Steel making
  5. Powder metallurgy and composite materials
  6. Surface engineering
Post Graduate Level :
  1. Diffusion in solids
  2. Advanced concept in steel making
  3. Composite material
  4. Powder metallurgy

1. Thermo-mechanical processing of steel and composites
2. Metal matrix composite
3. Polymer matrix composite
4. Mechanical alloying
5. Powder metallurgy
6. Tribology study of steel and composites

Ph. D. Candidates : 03(Continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 02(Continuing)
  1. 1st Prize in Oral presentation Composite 2010, IIT Kharagpur
  2. 1st Prize in Metallography Composite 2010, IIT Kharagpur
  3. Institute Silver Medal in M.Tech, 2010, NIT Rourkela
  1. Life member in “The Indian Institute of Metals” – [LM57845]
  2. Life Associate member in “The Institution of Engineers (India)” – [AM1964898]
  1. Rs.75,000, TEQIP Seed grant 2016-Completed
  2. Rs.60,000, TEQIP III 2021-Completed
  3. Rs.1,18,600, IEI R&D Grant-in-aid Scheme 2022-Applied
  4. Rs.44,400,IEI R&D Grant-in-aid Scheme 2022-Applied

International Publications

  1. RenuPrava Dalai, S.Das, and K.Das “Development of TiC reinforced austenitic manganese steel.” Canadian Metallurgical Quaterly 53, no.3 (2014) 317-325.
  2. RenuPrava Dalai, S.Das, and K.Das “Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on the low impact abrasion and low stress sliding wear resistance of austenitic high manganese steels.” Wear 420 (2019) 176-183.
  3. RenuPrava Dalai, S.Das, and K.Das “Relationship between the microstructure and properties of thermomechanically processed Fe−17Mn and Fe−17Mn−3Al steels.” International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 26, no. 1 (2019) 64-75.
  4. Diptiranjan Baral, Rahul Mohanta, BhaghyashreeSahoo, RenuPrava Dalai, Prafulla K. Mallik “Dielectric Properties of Steel Melting Shop (SMS) Slag” Available online 26 August 2021, In press, Corrected Proof.
  5. Saroj Kumar Sahu, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, AjitBehera and RenuPrava Dalai “An overview on the effect of heat-treatment and cooling rates on Ni-based super-alloys.” Materials Today: Proceedings47(2021)3309-3312.
  6. Swetapadma Mishra and RenuPrava Dalai “A Review on the development of 3rd generation advanced-high strength steels (HSS).” ABDU Journal of Engineering Technology 10(2021)1-4.
  7. RenuPrava Dalai “Microstructure and property relationship between Al-4.5Cu alloy and Al-4.5Cu-Al2O3 composite developed by mechanical alloying.” Materials Today: Proceedings 44(2021): 2754-2759.
  8. Swetapadma Mishra and RenuPrava Dalai “A comparative study on the different heat-treatment techniques applied to high manganese steel.” Materials Today: Proceedings 44(2021)2517-2520.
  9. Swetapadma Mishra and RenuPrava Dalai “Effect of quenching and partitioning treatment on low carbon medium manganese alloyed steels-A short review.” Materials Today: Proceedings 43(2021) 593-596.
  10. RenuPrava Dalai, S. Nath, D.K. Mishra, and G. Behera “Fabrication of an Al matrix hybrid composite reinforced with Cu, Al2O3 and TiC by mechanical alloying.” Materials Today: Proceedings 26(2020): 1841-1844.
  11. B.Behera, D.K.Mishra, S. K. BadJena,and RenuPrava Dalai “Development and Characterization of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced Al-Cu Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites.” Materials Science Forum 978, ISSN: 1662-9752 (2019): 202-208.
  12. RenuPrava Dalai “Effect Of Inter-Critical Heat Treatment On The Microstructure And Properties Of Medium Manganese Steel.” Materials Today: Proceedings 18(2019) 2388-2393.

International Conferences

  1. RenuPrava Dalai and HrudanandaPrusty “Effect of sintering temperature and time on the microstructure and properties of SiC reinforced Al metal matrix composite” [Presented in International conference on INCAL 2019, 31st January – 3rd February 2019, Bhubaneswar Organised by the Aluminium Association of India]
  2. BishnupriyaBehera, Dinesh Kumar Mishra, S. K. BadJenaand, andRenuPrava Dalai “Synthesis and Characterization of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced Al-Cu Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites.” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2018, 6th – 8th December 2018, NIT Rourkela] [Proceeding available]
  3. AratiBiswal, NitishJojo, D. K. Mishra, and RenuPrava Dalai “Fabrication and characterization of the Fly ash reinforced aluminium matrix composite” [Presented in International conference on ICAMMP-iv 2016, 05th – 07th November 2016, IIT Kharagpur]
  4. RenuPrava Dalai “Micro-structural characterization and deformation mechanism of low carbon high manganese steel” [Presented in International conference on ICAMMP-iv 2016, 05th – 07th November 2016, IIT Kharagpur]
  5. RenuPrava Dalai, S SSahoo, D K Mishra “Effect of thermal ageing on the wear behavior of glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite with SiC as filler material” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7 – 8th December 2018, NIT Rourkela] [Proceeding available]
  6. RenuPrava Dalai,S P Mohapatra,S K Sahu, D K Mishra “Effect of lubricant addition on the properties of Ni-Al-Ti alloy developed by powder metallurgy” [Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7 – 8th December 2018, NIT Rourkela] [Proceeding available]
  7. PritiShikha Nanda, A. P. Samal, RenuPrava Dalai and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “The Effect of Reinforcement Composition and Sintering Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Al-SiC-Fly Ash Composite”[Presented in International conference on ICPCM-2021, 7 – 8th December 2018, NIT Rourkela] [Proceeding available]
  1. RenuPrava Dalai and B. C. Ray “Failure and Fractography Studies of FRP Composites: Effects of Loading Speed and Environments” Book Chapter in “Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XIX, Editors:D. Bhattacharyya, R.J.T. Lin T.S. Srivatsane, Book ISBN 978-0-473-18189-5.
  2. RenuPrava Dalai, S SSahoo, D K Mishra “Effect of thermal ageing on the wear behavior of glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite with SiC as filler material. Accepted to be published in Springer Proceedings in Materials.
  3. PritiShikha Nanda, A. P. Samal, RenuPrava Dalai and Dinesh Kumar Mishra “The Effect of Reinforcement Composition and Sintering Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Al-SiC-Fly Ash Composite. Accepted to be published in Springer Proceedings in Materials.
1. Convenercum coordinator in TEQIP-III sponsored one-week FDP Webinar on AMPCA – 2020 from 8-12thSeptember, 2020 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
2. Convener in TEQIP-III sponsored two-week short term training programme on SPCAM-2019 from 7th – 16th April, 2019 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
3. Co-Convenercum coordinator in TEQIP-III sponsored one-week workshop on LSDMB-2019 from 10th – 14th February, 2019 organized by Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at VSSUT Burla.
4. Faculty coordinator in Dravya 2018, annual national symposium organized by Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
5. Faculty coordinator in Metaphilia 2017, annual national symposium organized by Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
1. Warden of Anuradha Hall of Residence, VSSUT, Burla. (28/08/2019 to 11/02/2022)
2. DepartmentTime table coordinator
3. DAC member
5. Professor Incharge (PIC) of Powder Metallurgyandcomposite Lab
6. Professor Incharge (PIC) of Fuel testing Lab

Invited Talk:
1.Delivered an invited talk in the TEQIP III sponsored one week short term course on “Advances in Materials and Processing” Organized by the department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IGIT Sarang during 24-28th February 2020.
Summer Training:1.Taken a summer training from 25.05.2019 to 15.06.2019 on the EBSD analysis of metallic materials at IIT Kanpur under the guidance of Professor N.P.Gurao, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur.
Industrial visit:
1.Visited SAIL Rourkela steel plant, Rourkela from 19.03.2017 to 26.03.2017.
Number of FDP and Short-term Courses Attended:
1. Online QIP short term course on “Advances in energy and functional materials” from 14th to 26th June 2021 at school of Minerals Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar.
2. Faculty development programme on “Fundamentals and Advances in Powder Metallurgy” from 8th to 10th December, 2020 organised by the Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science at IIT Indore.
3. QIP short term course on “Advances in powder metallurgy and 3D printing” from 10th to 16th November, 2019 organised by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at IIT Kharagpur.
4. A short term course on “Powder Metallurgy: Fundamentals, Applications, and Advancement”from 1st to 5th July, 2019 organised by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at NIT Rourkela.
5. A short term course on “Cost Effective and Sustainable Solutions for Management of Hazardous Waste” from 11th to 15th December, 2018 organised by School of Infrastructure at IIT Bhubaneswar.
6.TEQIP III Faculty Induction Workshop from 24th to 28th May, 2018 organised by Continuing Education Cell, IIT Kharagpur.
7.Workshop on “Advanced Coating Technology: Opportunity for Indian Industries” from 25th to 26th February, 2016 organised by IMMT Bhubaneswar.

Present Address : 
Dr. Renu Prava Dalai
Assistant Professor
Dept of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
Sambalpur – 768018
Odisha, India
  Permanent Address : 
Renu Prava Dalai
C/O: SarojiniSwain
At/Po: Jhadbhumi
Di: Ganjam -761120