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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Sushant Kumar Badjena

Professor and Head

Qualification : B.E. – I.G.I.T Sarang, M. Tech. – IIT Kanpur, Ph.D. – KAIST, South Korea

Specialization : Mechanical & Physical Metallurgy, Metal Forming, Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD), Finite Element Method (FEM) etc.

B.E. – I.G.I.T Sarang, M. Tech. – IIT Kanpur, Ph.D. – KAIST, South Korea

Mechanical & Physical Metallurgy, Metal Forming, Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD), Finite Element Method (FEM) etc.

15 Years

Graduate Level :
  1. Deformation Theory of Metals
  2. Materials Testing
  3. Mechanical Working of Metallic Materials
  4. Thermo-mechanical processing of Materials
  5. Failure analysis
Post Graduate Level :
  1. Advanced Materials Processing
  2. Finite Element Method
  3. Thermo-mechanical processing of Materials

  1. Dynamic Recrystallization in Metals & Alloys
  2. Mechanical & Physical Metallurgy
  3. Finite Element Method

Ph. D. Candidates : 01 (Awarded), 03 (Ongoing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 02 (Awarded), 02 (Ongoing)
  1. Nijhawan Award, Best Technical Paper, 2006, CSIR - National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, India.
  2. Tamotia Award, Best Published paper on Environmental issues related to Mineral processing IIME, 2007, India
  3. Best Paper, Debashis Kuanar, Swastika Tripathy, S.K. BadJena, A. Lava Kumar “Study of Impact Toughness of Microalloyed Steels in Cryogenic Environment” [presented in NMD ATM 2015, 13th – 16th November 2015, Coimbatore.]
  4. 2nd prize for Best Poster, Arun Kumar, A. Lavakumar, P.K. Singh and S.K. BadJena “A review on Metallic Foams” [poster presented in national conference on “Behind the teacher’s desk-2015” (April 9th -10th) in CSIR –NML Jamshedpur.]
  1. Life Member of KIMM, South Korea
  2. Life Member of IIM, India
  3. Life member of Institute of Engineers, India
  1. Institute of Engineers - Student Project “Modeling & FEM simulation of DRX microstructure for automotive applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. Lavakumar), Rs.0.5 L (Ongoing).
  2. DST-NANO MISSION “Enhancing shape memory properties of Ti-Nb binary alloy through ECAE processing for bio-medical applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. LavakumarRs.45.0 L, (Status Awaited).
  3. UGC-Minor Project “Archeo-metallurgical Investigation on Ancient Sword” (PI: A. Lavakumar, Co-PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena), Rs. 5.0 L (Status Awaited).
  4. UGC-Minor Project “Modeling, FEM simulation & texture analysis of DRX microstructure for automotive applications” (PI: Dr. S.K. BadJena, Co-PI:  A. Lavakumar), Rs.5.0 L, (Status Awaited).

International Publications

  1. Effect of Particles on Dynamic Recrystallization behavior of Al-V-N Micro-alloyed Steel medium carbon steel
    S.K. BadJena, J.K. Park
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 548 (2012) 126 – 133
  2. Dynamic recrystallization behavior of vanadium micro-alloyed forging medium carbon steel”
    S.K. BadJena
    ISIJ International, Vol. 54 (2014), No. 3, pp. 13 – 20
  3. Optimization of Variables in Grinding Brass Particles for Paint and Pigment Industry
    Sushant Kumar BadJena, B.K Mishra
    Powder Technology, 214 (2011) 349–355
  4. Hydration of Mechanically Activated Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
    Rakesh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, S.K. BadJena and S.P. Mehrotra
    Materials & Metallurgical Transaction B, Vol-36, Issue-12, pp-873-88
  5. Particles effect on dynamic recrystallization behavior of hot medium carbon forging steel
    S.K. BadJena, A. Lavakumar
    Under Review: ISIJ International
  6. Dynamic Recrystallization; Modeling & Microstructure Evolution: A Review
    S.K. BadJena, A. Lavakumar
    Under Review: International Journal of Materials processing & performance
  7. Analysis of Industrial Data Using Millsoft
    S.K. BadJena, B.K Mishra
    Under Review: Minerals Engineering

International Conferences

  1. Lavakumar, Shilpa sharma, Ithyade bal, S.K. BadJena “Effect of grainsize on wear properties of bearing steel” [Presented in 2nd Int. Conf. on Advances In Steel, Power And Construction Technology (March 17-19, 2015) in O.P. Jindal Institute of Technology, Raigarh]
  2. Debashis Kuanar, Swastika Tripathy, S.K. BadJena, A. Lava Kumar “Study of Impact Toughness of Microalloyed Steels in Cryogenic Environment” [presented in NMD ATM 2015, 13th – 16th November 2015, Coimbatore] - won prize for best paper
  3. Aiswariya Mohanty, Arun Kumar Patro, S.K. BadJena, P.K. Katiyar, A. Lavakumar “Effect of heat treatments on microstructural and mechanical properties of microalloyed steel” [presented in NMD ATM 2015, 13th – 16th November 2015, Coimbatore]
  4. Arun Kumar, A. Lavakumar, P.K. Singh and S.K. BadJena “A review on Metallic Foams” [poster presented in national conference on “Behind the teacher’s desk-2015” (April 9th -10th) in CSIR –NML Jamshedpur.]- won 2nd prize for best poster
  5. Shilpa Sharma, A. Lavakumar, S.K. BadJena “A study on Bulk Nanostructured Steel” [ [Presented in national conference on “Behind the teachers desk-2015” (April 9th -10th) in CSIR –NML Jamshedpur.]
  6. Aishwarya Mohanty, Suneeti Purohit, A. Lavakumar and S.K. BadJena “A study on synthesis of grapheme & its applications” [presented in National conference on “Behind the teacher’s desk -2015” (April 9th – 10th) in CSIR-NML Jamshedpur.]
  7. Debashis Kaunar, A. Lava kumar, P.K. Katiyar and S.K. BadJena, “A study on Tungsten carbide tool bits” [presented in National conference on “Behind the teacher’s desk-2015” (April 9th -10th) in CSIR –NML Jamshedpur.]
  8. Swastika Tripathy, Debashis Kuanar, S.K. BadJena, D.N. Chari, A. Lava Kumar “Study of Impact Toughness of Microalloyed Steels in Cryogenic Environment” [Presented in National conference on “Processes & Characterization of Materials” (NCPCM – 2015) Dec’12-13, 2015]
  9. S. K. BadJena, B.B. Jha, B.K. Mishra, A Finite Element Approach to Microstructure Evolution during Hot Forming Process: Accounting Recrystallization and Grain Growth Theory, International conference on Emerging Materials and Processes (ICEMP-2014), Feb. 26 – 28, 2014, CSIR - IMMT Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
    Proceeding paper
  10. Sushant Ku. BadJena, K.W. Kim, Joong Keun Park, Effect of Particles on Dynamic Recrystallization behavior of Al-V-N Micro-alloyed Steel medium carbon steel, 2012 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIMM 2012) April, 26-27, 2012, Chonwon, Korea
    Proceeding paper
  11. Sushant Ku. BadJena, K.W. Kim, Joong Keun Park, Dynamic Recrystallization behavior of V-micro-alloyed Hot Forging steel, 2011 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIMM 2011) April. 21-22, 2011, Chonwon, Korea
    Proceeding paper
  12. Sushant Ku. BadJena, T.H. Kim, K.W. Kim, Joong Keun Park, Induction Hardening process simulation of Hot Forging Steel for automotive components using Gleeble, 2010, Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIMM 2010), Nov. 05- 06, 2010, Chonwon, Korea
    Proceeding paper
  13. Zhijian Zhang, Sushant Ku. BadJena, S. M. Kim, R. A. Kumar, J. K. Park, Finite element simulation of damage accumulation during equal channel angular extrusion, The 9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), Sep. 7-11, 2008, Gyeongju, Korea
    Proceeding paper
  14. Zhijian Zhang, Sushant Ku. BadJena, Joong Keun Park, FEM Simulation of Deformation and Fracture during Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, 2008 Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIMM 2008), Oct. 23-24, 2008, Incheon, Korea
    No proceeding
  15. Zhijian Zhang, Sushant Ku. BadJena, Joong Keun Park, Finite Element Analysis of Damage Accumulation During Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, 2007 Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIMM 2007), Nov. 04-05, 2007, ICC Jeju, Korea
    Proceeding paper
  1. Vice – President of Technical Club
  2. Member of Academic Council
  3. Chairman of Board of Studies of the department
  4. Chairman of conducting board of the department
  5. Chairman of DAC of the department
Present Address : 
Prof. Sushant Kumar BadJena Professor & Head of the department Dept. of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering V.S.S. University of Technology, Burla Sambalapur – 768018 Odisha, India
  Permanent Address : 
At. Po: Gadakokal Via: Brahmagiri Dist: Puri, Odisha, India Pin: 752011